"Love and hate are the two most diverse separate words.
You intended for good to all wrapped in one for me.”
Merry lamb lamb

“I’m trying to open up myself to the world and myself. Sometimes it is hard.”
Merry Lamb Lamb
Searching for myself has always been a hard time for me. I never feel like I belong anywhere, from Toronto to Hong Kong. I always feel like I’m an outsider, constantly looking for empathy. I never feel strong enough to face my fears.
I feel the most comfortable when I’m at night. Because everyone is minding their own business, and people won’t be able to bother me.
I love long walks and staring at people at night. I find it very comforting, and I can learn their acts and empathy with them. I also love to listen to sad songs and eat cold sandwiches at night. When the strong breeze hits me, I can feel I’m existing in this world.
I constantly search for more, but I’ll get afraid after a few seconds pass. The world is too crucial for a fragile human like me. And I’ll soon be blown away like a hot air balloon, without anyone noticing.
尋找自己對我來說一直是困難的。 從多倫多到香港,我從不覺得自己屬於任何地方。 我總覺得自己是個局外 人,我不斷尋求認同,但我從來沒有足夠強大來面對我對世界的恐懼。
只有在晚上的時候我才感到舒服。 因為每個人都在管自己的事情,人們不會打擾我。
我喜歡在漫漫長夜在街散步,在晚上盯著街上寂寞的人。 我覺得這很安慰,我可以學習他們的行為,我可以同 情一下他們。 我也喜歡晚上聽悲傷的歌曲和在便利店吃冰凍三明治。 當強風吹襲我時,我能感覺到孤獨的我 真實的存在於這個世界上。
我不斷地尋找更多,但幾秒鐘後我會害怕。 對於像我這樣脆弱的人來說,這個世界太無關重要了。 我很快就 會像熱氣球一樣被吹走,然而並沒有人注意到。
Genesis 始
When God created the world, he created magical creatures. When the sun rises, he creates hope for me.
fading flowers 飛花
The world is full of temptations and lust. How can I go back to my original intention?
那些誘惑的花花世界,我也曾經迷戀過。就像毒藥一般的致命。偶爾也會令人像玫瑰花一樣被刺傷。在櫻花樹下所飛散下來的花是如此燦爛。曾經遇上過後 ,我再也不想觸碰他了。
night ride 夜遊
I might be able to escape from you, from location to location. But I know I can’t run away far from you.
那晚在狹窄的街道上走著走著,是日積月累的心鎖還沒捨得放開,我還沒有放棄過他。那晚的迷茫夜讓我魂魄消逝,我突然很想自我消失,在這 個世界上突 然消失。於是我跑回家,駕駛著我的跑車,在空虛又寂寞的高速公路上行走。很想在廣闊的道路上找個出口,但沒想到我越坐越空虛 。我存在越變得渺小。
If I’m weak you’ll hold my hand with a voice. If I’m strong, you’ll lead my voice to a song.
生命是一個覺悟的循環。 當我迫使自己變得堅強時,結果總會是錯誤的。 但當我學懂放下時,我卻明白如何真正變得更堅強。

“I know I’m worth it. Sometimes I don't feel worth it at all.” - Merry Lamb Lamb
Temptation has always been the worst enemy to me. I feel like it is a deep shark that can swallow me hard. It is a cup of blood that can suck me up like a vampire. It is a lollipop candy that I’ll strive for every lasting joy.
Sugar-coded lies wrapped up in fat and filthy lies. They are harmless but harmful to you. But they’re filthy when they wanted to trick you.
Every once in a while, I will get tempted by things. It is a sense of loneliness when I couldn’t get accepted by others.
I hate accepting I have an evil part of myself, but I also love it. It is a split mind tug of war. It is restless and cruel without any pressure on you. The worst part is it won’t let you notice when you hit that part of the struggle. You got trapped in the nest, and you can’t get away from it.
This is a journey about self-affirmation.
空虛一直是我最大的敵人。 我覺得它是一條在海底的鯊魚,可以將我狠狠地吞下。 它可以是一杯使我像吸血鬼一樣嗜愛的血。 它亦是一個棒棒糖,使我為著更持久的快感而努力。
世上充滿糖衣包裝的謊言,包裹著的是更骯髒的謊言。 空虛本是無害的,但它卻對您有害。 但是當他們想欺騙你時,他們是骯髒 的。
每隔一段時間,我就會受到外界事物的試探和誘惑。 當我無法被別人接受時,充斥著我的是一種孤獨感。
我討厭接受自己有邪惡的一面,同時我卻一直喜歡它。 這是一場思想分裂的拉鋸戰。 它毫無聲色地讓我處於殘酷與不安,最糟糕 的是,當你遇到艱難的狀態時,它亦不會讓你注意到。 你就像被困在巢穴裡,並無法擺脫它。
DIVING 沉沒 〰️
diving 沉沒
In the middle of the night, my heart seemed to stop. The presence of the heartbeat and pulse also instantly became low. Just like the memory of a newborn baby, the moment you open your eyes, your vision and voice become blurred. It is a memory of a ballet music box that my grandmother gave me when I was a child. That slow and tortured waltz made me sink like a whirlpool in the deep sea, sinking...
在深夜時分,我的心彷彿停頓了。心跳脈搏的存在感瞬間也變得低沉。就像一個初生嬰兒的記憶,一睜開眼的瞬間,視力和聲音也變得模糊。是一段小時候 外婆送給我的芭蕾舞音樂盒記憶。那一段緩慢又折磨人的華爾茲舞曲,讓我像漩渦般在深海裡一直下沉,下沉...
keep sinking
A phony people like you make me feel insecure about people. It makes me feel insecure about friendship.
我的抑鬱曾經是我的心魔。但現在我會將悲傷化成我的狂想世界。那次被朋友背叛,讓我看透了這個世界的險惡。在痛苦中,我築了一面隱形的牆壁,把自 己埋藏起來。讓我可以以後不用再被傷害,不再被欺騙。
told you so 明知
The internet is one cyber bully dog. You can easily bite someone hard and let them die themselves. Isn’t it fascinating?

“After realizing everything happens for a reason. I realized it doesn’t come with a price, but love within it.” - Merry Lamb Lamb
Everyone once in a while, people will tell me when you hit your lowest point. You will realize something important about life. I didn’t take this lecture seriously until God came into my life. Going through journeys of life, I was constantly walking.
Sometimes, I would meet people that accepted the way I am. But when I collapsed, they would choose another shortcut, walk away and leave. There might be times when I meet interesting people that I’ll meet in life at a crossroads. They might be fun to hang out at first, but as time goes by, they will leave. They would leave you with apathy and guilt for the rest of your lives.
There are times I hate myself for feeling this way. I know I shouldn’t be blaming anyone. But how can I stop myself from feeling this way? Therefore, I never stop walking. Until one day, I heard a voice in my head, telling me to give up all the thoughts and learn to love myself. It was almost like a spark from a dark sky, shining warmly towards you and willing to hold your hand through it.
It was almost like the darkness blindfolded me with his lies, but God is willing to hold my hand and tell me to trust him and love him. I never felt a sense of warmth before, not even from my parents. But he chooses to accept the way I am and love me. Love and hate might be the two most diverse separate words. But you tended for good to all wrapped in one for me. To let me understand you love me through it all. And love the hate through it all.
This is a journey about the realization.
在人生的旅途中,我一直只顧著向前走。 在生命中,偶爾我會遇到接受我的人, 但是當我打開心扉時,他們會選擇另一條捷徑,然後離開;有時我會在人生 的十字路口遇到覺得我有趣的人, 起初他們可能會覺得我很有趣,但隨著時間的流逝,他們又會離開。 他們會讓你在餘生中,對自己保持冷漠和內疚。
有時我討厭自己有這種感覺。 我知道我應不應該怪別人。但是我怎樣才能抑住自己這種感覺呢?
因此我只顧向前走,從不會往後看。 直到有一天,在我的腦海裡聽到一個聲音,叫我放棄現有的想法,更要學會愛自己。 它就像漆黑的天空中的火花,溫暖 地照耀著你,我願意牽著祢的手,穿過這些難過的事。
絕望一直透過謊言蒙住了我的眼睛,但上帝願意握住我的手,告訴我要相信祂並愛祂。 我以前從來沒有感覺到溫暖,即使是我的父母也沒有。 但祂選擇接受 我的本來面目,並深愛著那個本來的我。
愛和恨可能是兩個最多樣化的詞語, 但祢的出現為我把所有的一切都包裹在其中,讓我明白祢的愛貫穿了過去與現在一切的愛與恨。
AWAKEN 覺悟 〰️
I had a solid dream the other day about cherry-picking. And I was the one who was picking the cherry.
那晚我發了瘋一樣以後,我真的睡著了。我在夢裡找回安穩又甜美的櫻桃花園。那片花園是我的保護所,那無休止的夢境,令我的呼吸也變得平靜。雖然我 在櫻桃花園裡的角色卑微,別人在選擇我的時候我也在選擇人。這夢境實在是非常甜蜜,我希望永遠也不要醒來。
love 愛
We loved because he first loved us.
“Some said a journey takes time to roll. It takes time to heal. Sometimes, it takes time for a person to realize what life is.” - Merry Lamb Lamb
Some said a journey takes time to roll. It takes time to heal. Sometimes, it takes time for a person to realize what life is.
Taking a few wrong turns doesn't mean you’re on the right track. It might be a stop for you to think and realize something. But taking a few wrong turns means you’re doing something. It might just mean to be for the moment for you to learn and grow.
For Merry, it took her from being an introvert to an admiring musician. To self-doubt and a hopeless person. Her self-affirmation is being lifted and collapsing into fragile glass pieces.
This album is a journey of 10 different broken pieces melted into one. It is a self-realization journey to embrace both the love and the hateful side of her.
有人說人生旅程很需要時間,很需要時間來治愈。 有時,一個人需要時間才能意識到生活是什麼。 走錯幾個彎並不意味著你走在不正確的軌道上。
這可能是你思考和實現某事的一個緩衝。 走錯的道路就意味著你真實的在走你的人生。 這可能只是為了讓你 學習和成長。 從前Merry是一個自我懷疑和絕望的人,她的自我踐踏就像被抬高並摔倒碎一地的玻璃碎片。對於她來說,這個旅程經歷把她從一個內向的人變成了一個自我欣賞的音樂人。
lights 光
At dawn, I can finally escape from my inner black hole. After the lights went out, I drifted everywhere, and my eyes became free.
Genesis Album concert
Merry Lamb Lamb’s debut album “GENESIS” is out in JUNE 20 2022. The related concert will also be out in AUGUST 06 2022, co-hosted by SEEAHOLE and Merry’s imprint Midnight Romance Records.
The concert focuses on the use of audiovisual form. We invited STAYHOMEKIDS.TV, a Hong Kong-based visual team to join us enhancing an electronic plus theatrical experience to the crowd. The concert centers on music, visuals, and fashion. A trio combination to leave a remarkable experience with Merry’s music.
The theme for the show will relate to actual happenings from the bible. Each song represents a journey from the bible. Genesis referred to as a new start, a new beginning. This concert will be a walk-through from the beginB ning till the end. The show will visually and musically represent the meaning of life.
Merry Lamb Lamb 的首張專輯《GENESIS》將於 2022 年 6月20日發行。專輯音樂會於 2022 年 8月6日舉行,由 SEEAHOLE及Merry自家唱片廠牌Midnight Romance Records (午夜浪漫唱片)合辦。 這次演唱會重點是在於視聽形式的運用,我們邀請了香港抽象派視覺團隊 STAYHOMEKIDS.TV參予製作,為觀眾提供電子音樂與抽象劇場的體驗,以 實驗音樂、抽象視覺和時尚風格為中心,為 Merry 的音樂帶來有趣的視覺體驗。
演出主題的主題將Genesis專輯與及聖經中內容相關, 每首歌都代表了一段生命旅程。 Genesis專輯中文稱作「始」- 新的開始。
這場音樂會將是一場 旅程般的體驗,透過視覺和音樂上的相互刺激,展示生命的意義。